my most successful list?
- Fear and Self-Loathing with the Merchants of Death
- File:Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) adult feeding with juvenile.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
- File:American oystercatchers at Fort Tilden (60747).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
- File:Khalili Collection Hajj and Arts of Pilgrimage MSS 1288.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
- File:2018-11-02 Konzert -The Hellfreaks- in -Ilvers Musikbar- in Erfurt IMG 3414 LR10 by Stepro.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
- File:The Bug Peek.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
- File:I am faster than wap.jpg - Wikipedia - an ad for an obsolete technology
- Nabokov's Recommendations - Wm Jas
- File:Urban raccoon and skunk.JPG - Wikimedia Commons - 2007
- Qwantz № 3982: Christmas has its Mario (Santa) and its Luigi (Jesus), as well as its Wario (The Grinch) and its Waluigi (Krampus)!
- Qwantz № 2868: I was carefully reading the BIBLE's Wikipedia page
- Qwantz № 2233: SCIENCE FACT: you are covered in ants. They move to the other side when you look at your body so you can't see them, but their chitinous bodies blanket you.
- Qwantz № 2787: If anyone wants to write an article about me, the easiest and laziest thing in the world is to talk about what they can find on social media and draw friggin' imaginary connections, Dromiceiomimus!
- Qwantz № 782: alt text: 'if you are ever writing a biography of t-rex, you can say "T-Rex is about 25 years old and is a large green Tyrannosaurus Rex. In the future, he is destined to punch out a turkey." '
- Qwantz № 3726: if only they'd decided to end the war at the 10th hour and 58th minute of the 11th day of the 11th month instead!! if only. (it's about this guy)
- Qwantz № 3574: the secret year-later text is "it's about time to admit that given how oddly spelled "diareeah" is, and how I have such few incidents in which I need to spell it, that I will go to my grave never spelling diarreah correctly", but the comic itself is "And yet we're STILL social creatures who crave contact with others!"
- Qwantz № 3303: "TWENTY YEARS AGO: What do I think prejudices will be like twenty years from now, well within the new millenium?" and its secret year-later text is "for real about the .jpeg and backwards smiley ones though"
- Qwantz № 1846: alt text: it is the new last sentence of every novel in t-rex's library, a handwritten yet canonical last-minute addition
- Qwantz № 3133: "Let's broaden our database and interface!"
- Qwantz № 844: butterfly saddled with crippling debt
- this song ("oregon" by john linnell) has an ascending chromatic baseline
- Increase Sumner has an incredible name
- A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry (blog)
- Digital Critical Edition of BnF Ms. Fr. 640 – a manuscript of a book of secrets by an artisan, digitized by the Making and Knowing Project of Columbia University. Their minimal edition, an easy way to read it.
Although "secrets" sound esoteric, they were, in effect, collections of "recipes" for making a variety of things, include medicaments, cosmetics, cast metal objects, useful household tools and products, and many other quotidian and artistic objects.
- About · Minimal Computing
- The User, the Learner and the Machines We Make · Minimal Computing
- DiscMaster on
- everest's delightful "RSS log" that's not an RSS file
- Unix for Poets (PDF, bullet points) / (PDF, prose, longer) by Kenneth Ward Church
- The City Review, an old-looking but recently (2020) updated website about New York City; I found this through this review of a Joan Miró exhibition
- cl_drawhud 0; r_drawviewmodel 0
cl_drawhud 1; r_drawviewmodel 1
- The Night Land - Wikipedia, TV Tropes, Wikisource
- File:NLI Quarta Asie tabula.jpg - old map of the Middle East
- 頂きます - Wiktionary itadakimasu
- Nui Onoue - Wikipedia
- Category:Dada paintings - Wikipedia
- Pages with the most interwikis - Wikipedia: roughly, how may translations does a Wikipedia article have?
When this list item was written the top is a tie between Russia and Finland (312 languages);
the first nine are all countries, the tenth is Africa (296 languages), the 11th is the English language (295 languages), then Wikipedia's article on Wikipedia is 15th (293 languages),
then the first physical object is the Earth at position 23 (with 289 languages), closely followed by the Sun at position 27 (with 283 languages),
and then the rest of the top 50 are of countries – except for the True Jesus Church, a Christian church of a couple of million worshippers, originating in China, with an article with 277 language versions,
tied at 45th place with the articles on the United Nations, Denmark and Sweden;
this article is in more languages than those of the Moon (№ 58, 268 languages), Jesus (№ 91, 254 languages, tied with water, cats, and the Bible),
and Christianity and Islam, both tied at position 139 (with 245 languages).
The most frequently-translated article on a city is that of Edirne (№ 54, 269 languages), tied with Paris.
- The
Dissection and Reconstruction of Music from the Past as Performed by the Inmates of Lalo Schifrin's Demented Ensemble as a Tribute to the Memory of the Marquis De Sade - Wikipedia; the article with the longest title
- 元 (U+5143) (first, fundamental, origin, meta, yuan), 兇 (U+5147) (terrible, fierce, violence), 先 (U+5148) (first), 克 (U+514B) (able to, defeat, digest, gram, /k/)
- Category:Pronunciation spellings by language - Wiktionary
- Complete quadrangle - Wikipedia
- Taixuanjing - Wikipedia & the 81 tetragrams, base-3
- A quine:
It's C. Omits a lot of stuff, compiles with lots of warnings, but gcc still compiles it, and its output can be compiled to produce the same program. Get a cleaner executable by giving gcc the -s option, and pass it through strip --strip-all
- Smallest x86 ELF Hello World
- Hot-bulb engine - Wikipedia
- Daniel Paul Schreber - Wikipedia
- default browser link colors are typically #0000ee █ for unvisited, #551a8b █ for :visited, and #ff0000 █ for :active.
- Concrete ship - Wikipedia
- Ubuntu terminal purple: #300a24
- Autechre on Their Epic NTS Sessions, David Lynch, and Where Code Meets Music | Pitchfork
- Years old giant vivarium documentary - YouTube, 58:58, "I thought that I would present to you a new entire vivarium documentary to bring you up to speed with the massive European vivarium. It has ants, termites, salamanders, scorpions, toad and so much more!"
- PSYCHO NYMPH EXILE, "A post-anime sapphic gurowave trauma-romance. A multimedia survival kit for another dimension. A terrible disease afflicts a disgraced biomech pilot and an ex-magical girl."
- Artist Profile: Nathalie Lawhead | Rhizome
- Maud Lewis: A World Without Shadows by Diane Beaudry - NFB
- Deer Pantry "Trough View" - YouTube
- Glass of Water - Tropes vs Sheldon Cooper - YouTube (16:31) - I think I had this open for like three years before watching it. (archive link)
"Xkcd keyboard mash. lol vim is probably the worst ux ever until you learn it then it's indispensable."
Someone's wall of text, probably made by copypasting various sources, it's surreal. It was apparently taken down, but here's an Archive link.
- File:Barns grand tetons.jpg - Wikipedia
- The Late War between the United States and Great Britain - Wikipedia
- List of books in the style of the King James Version
- ranfren is randals is friends
- 10 Beautiful Postcards by thecatamites (
- Episode 22 – We Appreciate Power with Liz Ryerson (Part 1) – Art and Labor (podcast)
- The “Radically Casual” Charm of Lost Levels – A rundown of the microtalks from the GDC-adjacent game design unconference :: Ani-Gamers
- Orality - Wikipedia:
Because oral societies have no effective access to writing and print technologies, they must invest considerable energy in basic information management.
Storage of information, being primarily dependent on individual or collective recall, must be handled with particular thrift.
It is possible to approximately measure oral residue "from the amount of memorization the culture's educational procedures require."
¶ This creates incentives to avoid exploring new ideas and particularly to avoid the burden of having to store them.
It does not prevent oral societies from demonstrating dynamism and change, but there is a premium on ensuring that changes cleave to traditional formulas, and "are presented as fitting the traditions of the ancestors."
- default filename tv, works by searching youtube for "DSC", "MOV", "IMG", "100", or "MVI", plus an underscore, space, or nothing, plus a random 0-padded 4-digit number.
- UnimportantHero (youtube channel, specializes in D&D)
- picks from default filename tv:
MVI 5070 (waterside scene) ,
MVI 2453 (old car),
IMG1057 (rolling stones concert),
MOV 1559 (childrens' skip rope session),
IMG_6975 (lady saying "congratulations"),
1009689.mp4 (swimming pool),
100_7444.MOV (dancing at a wedding?),
MVI 5236 Kasteel Aerwinkel (walking a dog in a park, narrated in dutch),
DSC8339 (indian family playing a game?),
MOV 7508 (showing off a bmw car in russia, moscow oblast),
MOV 8070 (classroom in a chinese-speaking country)
- The Sauer Zone (a neocities+zonelets blog)
- #e8cd22, #cc19e8 (#19e8cc)
- stb C libraries
- thinking about a someone who stores all their text files in ebcdic on an ascii system
- #504c54, #457d4b
- Combating rising hate against LGBTI people in Europe
- /usr/share/dict/words
- møss høpe angel (merch)
- 'NEVER ANGELINE NØRTH' (artist, books)
- she gets cold like all living creatures
- Mongrel Nation – Brown cow (YT video, on the Frisian language? 2:42)
- Cordyceps - Wikipedia
- Albazino - Wikipedia
- Wolfenstein 3D playthrough streams (youtube playlist)
- Apocalypse Now: Kurtz's Dossier
- The Power of the Abstract (GDC talk, 39:10)
- File:05.jpg - Wikimedia Commons, File:6.jpg, File:9.png,
- These are in Commons's filename blacklist:
照片, 图片, 无标题, 无标題, 无標题, 无標題, 未标题, 未标題, 未標题, 未標題, 無标题, 無标題, 無標题, 無標題, 屏幕快照, 螢幕快照, 螢幕截圖, 截圖, 截图, 写真.
They all mean "untitled" or "screenshot" or "photo" or something like that.
- Category:Hidden categories - Wikimedia Commons
- Knuth: Fantasia Apocalyptica
- Fantasia Apocalyptica playlist (YouTube)
- Irving Joshua Matrix - Wikipedia
- SOAP II – Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program for the IBM 650 Data Processing System (24-4000-0_SOAPII.pdf)
- Runcible I : revised unified new compiler with IT basic language extended; 1959-03 (102784982-05-01-acc.pdf)
- GitHub - narcissawright/cosmicblocks: competitive 'board' game with online play
- Moe Philosophy, v3, Written and Translated by Alban (PhiloMoe_VDI_T.pdf)
- Plus 10 to Fire Resist, under construction; there was a counter, and it counted down to zero towards the end of 2021, but nothing has changed yet
- Real Life Comics, December 13, 2021, the latest I read
- Namasensei's Japanese Course, on YouTube
- "They Beat the Girl Out of My Boy… Or So They Tried"
- we share each other's pain the people in pain let it out loud and it is felt by empaths
-, a site that's very 90s, when the internet was cool, found it because someone linked this rabbit care page
- Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky, a painting
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2 | 9 | 0 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
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| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | Α | Β | Γ | Δ | Ε | Ζ |
2 | Η | Θ | Ι | Κ | Λ | Μ |
3 | Ν | Ξ | Ο | Π | Ρ | Σ |
4 | Τ | Υ | Φ | Χ | Ψ | Ω |
log2 24 ≈ 4.585,
log2 48 ≈ 5.585