Preferred changes to a new Kerbal Space Program installation.
Audio settings
- Volume, Master: 8%.
- Volume, Ambience: 25%.
- Volume, Music: 0%.
Graphics settings
- Texture Quality: Probaby Full Res.
- Conic Patch Draw Mode: Relative (default).
- Conic Patch Limit: 6.
- Always Show Closest Approach for Target: on.
- Part Highligher Enabled in Flight: off, or kept on and Brightness Factor turned way down.
- Screen Resolution: 1600x900. Full Screen: off.
- Frame Limit: 60 FPS.
- Ambient Light Boost: 12%.
- Ambient Light Boost, Map: 25%.
General settings
- Thermal Highlights: off.
- Camera Wobble Internal: 0.5.
- Advanced Tweakables: on.
- Show Extended Burn Indicator: on.
Input settings
- Yaw Left, Yaw Right: change to Q and E.
- Roll Left, Roll Right: change to A and D.
- Wheels: Steer Left, Steer Right: change to Q and E, to match yaw.
- Stop Time Warp: set to ' (comma, next to Ä).
- Focus Next Vessel, Focus Prev Vessel: set to Ä and Ö, respectively.
- Camera Reset: set to Å.
Manual conf file changes
Go to settings.cfg
and change MODIFIER_KEY to have
primary = LeftAltsecondary = RightShift