Index of /archives
Rescues, copies, original stuff.
- Parent Directory
- 1401fortran.html – Description of the 63-pass Fortran compiler for the IBM 1401 computer.
- 4symbolalphabet.html
- ack_phi.c.txt
- ai-poetry.html
- always-bet-on-text.html
- apache-internal-server-error.html
- arbel-symetric-prototype.html
- are-child-elements-even-necessary.html
- bridgeunit-rapid-transit-post.html
- damp-diary-wow.html
- decoding-gb2312.txt
- everything-should-be-pcie.html
- forth-83-standard.html
- geocities-html-chat.html
- great-tide-rising.html
- green-hills-of-stranglethorn.html
- gzip-algorithm.html
- heb-fw-bckw-fw.txt
- hilbertcurves.html
- iroha.html
- kanatable.pdf
- kinder-warning-corpus.html
- leivontakorvaus.html
- man_find.html
- mc-map-colors.html
- minecraftian-3x3-house.txt
- monowheeltractor.html
- poole-vs-hal-9000.html – A chess game
- reloading-the-canon.html – Description texts of a former podcast
- reloading-the-canon.txt
- rtftest-dot-rtf.html
- scannerlessparsing.html
- simulatedannealing.html
- six-guys.html
- sorry-bad-english-copypasta.html
- spotify-syndrome.html
- steve-jobs-fish-tank.html
- story-of-morgan-ladimore.html
- tumblr-thread-todays-internet-for-kids.html
- water-fill-pattern.txt
- we-share-each-others-pain.html, someone's public pastebin paste
- weirdest-story-ever.html
- weirdest-story-ever-tweets.html
- why-lua.html
- write-blog.html
- zone-base-fishing-skill.html – A page from "El's Extreme Anglin'", a World of Warcraft fishing site, describing the minimum required skill to fish in a zone in WoW (Classic).