Unihan readings, 2F800 to 2FA1F

Unicode version 14. Skips those characters that don't have any reading data. Page created on 2021-12-23.

Abbreviations: M, Mandarin reading; C, Cantonese reading; T, Tang dynasty reading; J-On, Japanese On'yomi reading; J-Kun, Japanese Kun'yomi reading; K, Korean reading; V, Vietnamese reading. In the NumVal column, numbers are followed by P, for kPrimaryNumeric (characters which are mainly used for that numeric value); A, for kAccountingNumeric (characters used for accounting purposes, that can't be easily modified into other numeric characters); or O, for kOtherNumeric (for characters that have uncommon numeric uses).

This page contains the block CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement, U+2F800 to U+2FA1F. For other blocks, see these pages: Extension A (3400–4DBF), Unified Ideographs (4E00–9FFF), Compatibility Ideographs (F900–FAFF), Extension B (20000–2A6DF), Extension C (2A700–2B73F), Extension D (2B740–2B81F), Extension E (2B820–2CEAF), Extension F (2CEB0–2EBEF), Compatibility Ideographs Supplement (2F800–2FA1F), Extension G (30000–3134F).

U+2F817冗4C: yung2business, duty
U+2F825勇9C: jung5
U+2F835灰6M: huīashes, lime
U+2F83B吆6C: jiu1
U+2F840咢9C: ngok6
U+2F878屮3C: cit3
U+2F894弢8C: tou1
U+2F8A6慈13C: ci4
U+2F8CD晉11C: zeon3
U+2F8E0枅10C: gai1tie beam; davit
U+2F907洴11C: baan6(Cant.) mud, mire
U+2F994芳10C: fong1
U+2F9BC蜨15C: sip3
U+2F9D4貫12C: gun3